Wildfires Make for Monumental Challenge in Coverage

The Austin American-Statesman did itself proud in the 2011 Charles E. Green Awards competition, capturing two first prizes for its comprehensive and tenacious coverage of the disastrous Central Texas wildfires of the summer of 2011.  Winning in both the Star Breaking News and Best Online Package categories of the contest, the Statesman brought its considerable resources fully to bear on the multi-fronted battle being waged against the racing flames.

Editors Raeanne Martinez and Bob Gee give interviewer Mark Morrison a detailed account of  how the print side of the coverage developed and was managed for this very noteworthy coverage.

Use the link below to access the interview via Adobe Connect, which will open in another window in your browser.  This is a highly-compressed video stream and, depending on available bandwidth and other factors, you may encounter some display issues.  If the playback stalls, drag the play indicator back to the beginning to restart.

Watch the Martinez/Gee Interview