Covering the Central Texas Wildfires: YNN Austin

YNN Austin, Time Warner Cable’s 24/7 news operation went from sleepy Sunday mode to full battle armor in less than an hour when news of the first of what was to become several distinct wildfires broke over police radios in the mid-afternoon of September 4, 2010.  YNN’s round-the-clock newsroom swung into action and remained on alert, literally for weeks, tracking the emergency response and later the extensive recovery efforts.

YNN News Director Michael Pearson talks with Headliners Foundation’s Neal Spelce about the challenges presented to the team and of the emerging role of citizen journalism in situations such as this.

Use the link below to access the interview via Adobe Connect, which will open in another window in your browser.  This is a highly-compressed video stream and, depending on available bandwidth and other factors, you may encounter some display issues.

Michael Pearson Interview

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