News of the US: Week two of June 1812
June 8: Letter from an American gentleman in London of this date — “The refusal of the federalists to contribute to the loan, appearing to have been the result of a general combination, produces a conviction with the ministry here, that the American government cannot make war. The federal increase also in the states of Massachusetts and New York, is regarded as a change in favor of the Orders in Council, and against all the measures adopted by us to obtain their revocation.”–National Intelligencer, August 20, 1812
June 9: From Washington — “A message in writing was received from the President of the U. States, by Mr. Coles his secretary, covering a correspondence between Mr. Monroe and Mr. Foster in relation to the declaration of the Prince Regent on the subject of the Orders in council, and the impressment of American seamen. The message was read and ordered to lie on the table and be printed.”–New York Herald, June 17, 1812
June 10: From Washington — “A Declaration of WAR WITH ENGLAND passed the House of Representatives on Thursday last by a majority of 25 or 30; and was rejected, in the Senate by a majority of 2.”–New York Spectator, June 10, 1812
June 10: From Baltimore — “The Marquis D’Yrujo [previous Spanish Minister to the United States] and Lady [nee Sally McKean of Philadelphia] arrived at Baltimore on Wednesday last, in the ship Julia Diamond, from Rio Janeiro.–New York Herald, June 13, 1812
June 10: From the London Statesman — America certainly cannot pretend to wage a maritime war with us: she has no navy to do it with. But America has nearly 100,000 as good seamen as any in the world, all of whom would be actively employed against our trade in every part of the ocean in their fast sailing ships of war; many of which will be able to cope with our small cruizers; and they will be found to be sweeping the West Indian seas; even carrying desolation into the chops of the channel.”–Nashville Clarion, September 1, 1812
June 11: From Washington — “The Senate has been sitting with closed doors until four o’clock of each of the two last days. It is generally understood that serious and solemn debate has occupied the time employed in their sittings; and that as yet they have come to no decision on the important question before them.”–New York Spectator, June 17, 1812
June 12: — From Salem, Massachusetts — “In the House of Representatives of this State twelve democratic Clergymen hold seats, and not a single federal Clergyman. . . We no longer hear the democratic clamour about Priestcraft, and the impropriety of Clergymen meddling with politics.”–New York Spectator, June 17, 1812
June 12 — From the House of Representatives — “Mr. Chittenden presented a memorial from 997 citizens of Vermont, remonstrating against the measures of government, and particularly against an expected war with G. Britain.”–National Intelligencer, June 13, 1812
June 13: Natchitoches — “The Spaniards have opened the port of Matagorda, on the Bay of St. Bernard, 75 miles from St. Antonio, Capital of the province of Texas. . . . Don Bernardo, the Revolutionary Ambassador (who was at Washington) is still here, together with Mr. Shaler, U. States Agent.” The opening of Matagorda by the Revolutionists is bad news for us, as the merchant’s route will be to Matagorda direct, instead of through this place.”–Richmond Enquirer, August 7, 1812
June 13: Letter from New Madrid, Missouri Territory – “But the greatest injury the country has sustained is its depopulation by the desertion of the inhabitants. The events of the 7th of February last were dreadfully alarming indeed. About three-fourths of the inhabitants left the country, and a great portion of them have not yet returned, prevented by the apprehension of what may yet befall this devoted country, for the tremors of the earth still continue.”—Raleigh Register, July 24, 1812
June 13: From Ohio — “FOR SALE, on the premises, commencing on Thursday the 13th day of June next, and to continue for three days, in and out lots in the TOWN OF COLUMBUS . . . .”–Scioto Supporter, April 18, 1812
June 14: From New London — “Arrived here on the 14th inst. brig Pocahontas, Calvin Williams, Master 35 days from Cadiz. News of the Embargo was received there two days before Capt. W. sailed. .. . … The French continued occasionally to throw shells into Cadiz.”–New York Herald, June 24, 1812
About the Author
Mary Bowden is a researcher working at the Texas Collections Deposit Library at the University of Texas. A little-known but invaluable treasure of U.S. history and the history of American journalism is archived in the collection of bound United States’ Newspapers at the University of Texas at Austin. The collection began more than a century ago and has been stored in recent years in the Texas Collections Deposit Library on the campus of the University of Texas. The sizeable archive is currently in the early stages of being digitized before being moved to a more climate-controlled environment at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus of the University, on the north side of Austin.