News of the US: Week One of June 1812

June 1:  From Hudson, New York:  “A young man of the name of Stevens, a seaman and a  native of this county, came home in the United States’ brig Hornet which lately arrived at N. York from Cherbourg in France . . . He was captured by the French near twelve months ago, and until the departure of the Hornet, was unable by any means whatever, to procure for himself a passage to his native country.  When the Hornet sailed, they left at Cherbourg about forty American seamen in the same situation . . . .” –New York Spectator, June 6, 1812

June 1:  From Washington — “The long-threatened subject of WAR is now actually before Congress.  A message was this day sent to both houses by the President.–Closed doors immediately followed.–We have information, on which we rely, that a Declaration of War against England is recommended; and there seems little hope,  but that it will carry, so great is the madness prevalent in our National Council.”–New York Spectator, June 6, 1812

June 2:  From Massachusetts — “a resolution of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, passed June 2d inst. expressing their opinion “Than an offensive war against Great Britain under the present circumstances of this country would be in the highest degree impolitic, unnecessary and ruinous.”–National Intelligencer, June 13, 1812

June 2:  From Troy, New York – “We understand that two hundred and sixty acres of land have been purchased by Government, in Greenbush, nearly opposite Albany, where a camp is to be formed immediately and extensive barracks erected.—General Dearborn is gone to Boston to make contracts for building the barracks.”—The  Shamrock,  June 6, 1812

June 3:  From Ohio, a letter from Brig. Gen. Hull — “I am happy to inform you that I have received reports already from five or six Indian villages (since my speech was communicated).  The Chiefs are now on their way to visit me, & the frontiers have already become tranquil.”–National Intelligencer, June 18, 1812

June 3:  From St. Louis — “On Wednesday  last, Gov. Howard set out to St. Charles, to send out a company in place of the three months Rangers, until Capt Boone can raise his company for 12 months.”–Louisiana Gazette, June 6, 1812

June 4:  Letter from a member of Congress to a Virginian — “Our doors are closed–would to God that policy would permit them to be thrown open to the world, and that every American citizen might hear our debates.  This is the birthday of the King of England–I hope it will be that day on which America will resolve to support her rights and avenge her wrongs.’–New YorkSpectator, June 13, 1812

June 4:  From Washington — “Strayed from the commons of this city on Friday last, a fresh milch BRINDLED COW about four years old, has a piece off both ears; short horns, white belly & long tail.  Any person taking up said Cow, and returning her or giving notice where she may be found, shall receive FIVE DOLLARS reward by applying at his Office to JAS. YOUNG.  June4–“–National Intelligencer, June 13, 1812

June 5:  From Washington — “A Declaration of war with England passed the House of Representatives on Thursday last by a majority of 25 or 30; and was rejected in the Senate by a majority of 2.”–New York Spectator, June 10, 1812

June 5:  From New York — “It is with extreme regret that we have to contradict the pleasing intelligence of yesterday.  By this morning’s mail, we learn, that, instead of a motion to reject the War Measures of the House, it was a motion to refer those measures to a committee of seven, with instructions to report on Monday, which passed the Senate, on Friday, by a majority oftwo.”–Newport Mercury, June 13,1832

June 5:  From Savannah — “a serious riot occurred in that city, on the night of the 5th inst. in consequence of some unprincipled fellows taking Mr. Mitchell, Editor of the American Patriot, out of his house.  They succeeded in dragging Mr. M. out of the house, took him to the pump, and pumped on him, and otherwise abused him.  His friends interfered, and he was rescued.–New York Spectator, June 20, 1812

June 6:  From the Freeman’s Journal — “Both houses have been in session with closed doors for several days past.  The Report of to day is, that an Embassy is to be sent IMMEDIATELY to England.”–New York Spectator, June 13, 1812

June 6:  From Washington — “At a meeting of the Society of the Sons of Erin, held at Davis’s on Saturday the 6th inst. the following members were appointed a committee, for the purpose of assisting natives of Ireland in obtaining naturalization under the laws of the U. States . . . .”–National Intelligencer, June 9, 1812

About the Author

Mary Bowden is a researcher working at the Texas Collections Deposit Library at the University of Texas. A little-known but invaluable treasure of U.S. history and the history of American journalism is archived in the collection of bound United States’ Newspapers at the University of Texas at Austin. The collection began more than a century ago and has been stored in recent years in the Texas Collections Deposit Library on the campus of the University of Texas. The sizeable archive is currently in the early stages of being digitized before being moved to a more climate-controlled environment at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus of the University, on the north side of Austin.

Mary Bowden