News of the US: Week One of September 1812

September 1: A letter dated, Opelousus,  La., Sept 1, 1812  “The Americans and creoles are daily flocking to the Sabine, to join Gen. Bernardo, a Spaniard, who has in possession, the post of Nacogdoches, and from whence he intends to march immediately  for St.Antonio to join the Spanish Republicans.  I have been solicited by some of Bernardo’s officers, with an offer of large rewards, to embark in the enterprize.”–Columbian Centinel, November 4, 1812

September 1:  From New-Orleans –“Last Friday nine companies volunteered on parade–300 of them were asked for by Wilkinson for six months; but they would not serve under him–they will serve under Claiborne, but not under gen. Wilkinson.”–Columbian, October 1, 1812

September 1:  Nashville — “By a gentleman of the first respectability from Orleans, we are highly gratified to learn that the citizens of that newly erected state . . . are actively engaged in fitting out an expedition fro Mexico, to assist the republicans of that country, in their struggle for independence.  Governor Claiborne approves of the steps taken; and Gen. Adair, formerly of Kentucky, commands the brave fellows.”–Nashville Clarion, September 1, 1812

September 2:  “The Board of Trustees of the Ohio University will meet at the Academy in Athens, on the last Tuesday of September next–on the Wednesday following the Examination of the Students will take place.–All  Honorary Members are respectfully invited to attend.”–Scioto Gazette, September 5, 1812

September 2:  From Lexington, Ky. –“This morning another fine regiment of volunteers, under colonel Jennings, passed through our town for Harrison’s army, all in high spirits; two members of Congress, McKee and Montgomery, are privates in this regiment of infantry, with their knapsacks, ready to support with their bayonets those principles which McKee advocated as a legislator, and which Montgomery (just released to Congress) is thus prepared to maintain.”–National Intelligencer, September 22, 1812

September 2:  From New Orleans —  “The Steam Boat that was employed by the Quarter-Master to carry troops and stores to Fort St. Philip, returned on Wednesday night; and we are happy to inform the public that there is no enemy at the Balize, nor is the mouth of the Mississippi blockaded, nor Fort St. Philip menaced.”–National Intelligencer, October 10, 1812

September 2:  From Buffaloe Creek, NY — “I am here surrounded by Indians, and the British fort Erie about 3 miles distant.  Six tribes of Indians who are holding a council in this vicinity, it is said, are offended by a report that they will not be admitted into our army; but I presume they will be convinced to the contrary, though the Agent is desirous of their remaining neutral.”–Baltimore Whig, September 26, 1812

September 3:  “On Thursday night, the 3d inst. a party of about 30 Indians broke into the Pidgeon Roost settlement in the Indiana territory . . . and murdered a number of families–21 persons were buried; and 7 or 8 human scull bones were found in the ashes of a house which was burnt down.”–Richmond Enquirer, September 29, 1812

September 3:  From Salem — “Salem Protected! –We have the satisfaction to announce, that the harbour ad town of Salem are now completely protected, and bid defiance to the hostile fleets of the proud mistress of the ocean, for GUNBOAT No. 83 arrived here last night.  This Creature it is supposed was sent here for a show, as it is the first thing of a kind the inhabitants have witnessed.”–Salem Gazette, September 4, 1812

September 3:  From North Carolina – “At a Camp-Meeting held at Kingwood Meeting-House in Granville county, on the 3d ult. the number of tents was 74, besides wagons and carts.—The number of souls who staid in camp was taken on Sunday morning, in time of meeting; it amounted to 1546, besides 32 preachers.  . . .  The meeting was carried on with good order and satisfaction.”—Raleigh Register, October 9, 1812

September 4:  From Augusta, Georgia – “A gentleman direct from the Ockmulgee informs, that the Creek Indians, whose hostility we have so often had occasion to notice, a few days since were purchasing up all the powder they could procure on the frontiers.”—Raleigh Register, September 18, 1812

September 4:  “New-York State is all alive with County Meetings upon the alarming condition into which a weak and wicked Administration have plunged the country.  The Friends of Peace in Westchester County had a full meeting on the 4th inst.  They were addressed by that veteran in politics, Mr. Gouverneur Morris.”–Newport Mercury, September 19, 1812

September 4:  Account of Indian attack on Fort Harrison by future president Zachery Taylor – “Sir, what from the raging of the fire—the yelling and howling of several hundred Indians—the cries of 9 women and children (a part of soldiers’ and part citizens’ wives, who had taken shelter in the Fort)—and the desponding of so many of the men, which was worse than all—I can assure you that my feelings were very unpleasant—“Raleigh Register, October 9, 1812

September 5:  From Natchitoches –“The republican volunteers under the immediate command of Col. Magee are in full march for St. Antonio, consisting of 500 men, principally late citizens of the U. States.  Their numbers are daily increasing by parties of 15, 20 and upwards, to the number of almost whole companies, from Natches & Opelousas, completely armed.”–Nashville Clarion, November 3, 1812

September 5:  From Governor Harrison, Piqua, Ohio,  4 o’clock, A.M. — “The British and Indians have laid siege to Fort Wayne, perhaps have taken it.  . . . I have been unable to move with the rest of the army for the want of TWO ESSENTIAL ARTICLES; a small supply will be up today, and the troops will be ready to march in two hours.  Great God! What an opportunity I may lose of avenging my country and saving the frontiers, for the want of a few trifling articles.  However, we are amply supplied with bayonets, and our spirits are roused to the highest pitch.”–Connecticut Mirror, October 5, 1812

September 5:  From Erie, Pennsylvania – “We are in daily expectation here of a visit from the English; their vessels appear every few days, in sight of the town of Erie.  Last week, one of them, the Lady Prevost, had the assurance to sail into the harbour, in the sight of our troops, put out her boats, and began sounding the harbour.  As we had not a single piece of cannon at Erie, we could only look on tame spectators.”—United States’ Gazette, September 21, 1812

September 5:  Advertisement — “Two thousand deer skins of the first chop–for sale at Nathan Adams’ Store, Charlestown Square.”–Boston Patriot, September 5, 1812

September 6:  From Natchitoches –“I have just been informed that Gov. Salcedo has made a requisition on his uncle, the commandant general of New Mexico, at Chihuahua, for assistance–who has refused it, as being out of his power.”–Connecticut Mirror, November 9, 1812

September 7:  — From New York — “The brig John Adams, capt. Fash, arrived at this port from Liverpool on Friday evening.–She was boarded by the Guerriere frigate 2 or 3 days previous to her meeting the Constitution, and capt. Dacres wrote the following Challenge on the register of the John Adams:  “Captain Dacres, commander of his Britannic Majesty’s frigate Guerriere, of 44 guns, presents his compliments to Commodore Rodgers, of the U. States frigate President, and will be very happy to meet him, or any other American frigate of equal force to the President, off Sandy Hook, for the purpose of having a few minutes TETE-A-TETE.'”–Scioto Gazette, September 19, 1812

September 7:  From Richmond – “A committee of 16 was appointed to receive contributions of blankets from the citizens of Richmond, &c. for the use of the drafts lately directed to march under the orders of the U. States, to be given in by 4 o’clock on Monday next.”—Raleigh Register, September 18, 1812

September 7:  From Vermont — “Vermont Triumphant, Over Federalism, Henryism, Toryism, W B. Societies, British advocates, Submission men, peace bawlers when there is no peace, over intrigue, misrepresentations, deceit, falsehood; in a word, over all opposition.  Two letters from Middlebury and from Montpelier both of the 7th inst. agree in the exhilarating truth that every branch of the Vermont Legislature will be Republican.”–Nashville Clarion, October 10, 1812

About the Author

Mary Bowden is a researcher working at the Texas Collections Deposit Library at the University of Texas. A little-known but invaluable treasure of U.S. history and the history of American journalism is archived in the collection of bound United States’ Newspapers at the University of Texas at Austin. The collection began more than a century ago and has been stored in recent years in the Texas Collections Deposit Library on the campus of the University of Texas. The sizeable archive is currently in the early stages of being digitized before being moved to a more climate-controlled environment at the J.J. Pickle Research Campus of the University, on the north side of Austin.

Mary Bowden