Each year, the Headliners Foundation of Texas presents the Charles E. Green Awards to the best print, digital and broadcast journalists in the state. The print awards are presented in partnership with the Texas Managing Editors (TME), and the broadcast awards are presented in partnership with the Texas Association of Broadcasters (TAB).
The Green Awards are part of the Foundation’s robust journalism awards program, which also includes the Showcase Awards for Enterprise and Innovation. The Foundation awards a total of $33,000 annually to Texas’ best journalists.
Who was Charles E. Green?
Charles E. Green, publisher of the Austin American-Statesman in the 1950s, was a founding member of the Headliners Club in Austin, TX. In his memory, the Headliners Club and Foundation have been recognizing exceptional journalism for almost four decades.
Who is eligible?
Green awardees are writers, investigators, broadcasters, and photojournalists who were chosen “Best in Show” in statewide contests hosted by TME and TAB. The Green Awards contest places the division-level winners in six select categories in a head-to-head competition. Small, medium, and large markets compete, with one winner chosen in each of the six categories. Cash prizes of $1,000 for Green Award winners and $500 for Division winners are awarded directly to the journalists.
Green Awards are presented in six categories, including an overall excellence award in which winning entries from both the TAB and TME contests compete against each other.
Broadcast Categories.
Best Television Reporter
Best Radio Reporter
Best Breaking News Report – TV
Best Breaking News Report – Radio
Best Investigative Report – TV
Best Multimedia/Digital Storytelling (Judging includes winners of the TME Best Online/Special Content Package category.)
Print Categories:
Star Reporter of the Year
Star Photojournalist of the Year
Star Opinion Writer of the Year
Star Investigative Report of the Year
Star Breaking News Report of the Year
Online/Special Content Package of the Year (Judging includes winners of the TAB Best Multimedia/Digital Storytelling category.)
Who are the judges?
Green Award winners are selected by judges from across the nation who are recognized experts in news media or academia. They are journalists, producers, editors, journalism educators, or have retired from the industry.
Recent Contests
Award Collaborators