Gary Pickle
The son of a West Texas newspaper family, Gary Pickle came to Austin to attend the University of Texas, graduating in 1965 with a degree in English. During his college years and after graduation, he worked at KTBC-TV as a 16mm news cameraman, covering among other things, the Texas White House of Lyndon Johnson and the infamous U.T. Sniper tragedy. After leaving KTBC, he formed, with several associates, one of Austin’s first motion picture production companies which, ultimately morphing into the new field of video, created numerous and diverse media products for more than three decades before closing its doors several years ago. He joined the Headliners Foundation Board of Governors in 1997 and has served in various offices and capacities since then, succeeding Allan Shivers, Jr. as Chair in January 2011. He and his wife Jan live in Austin, as do their two children and four grandchildren.